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Newton method
Newton method indepth
Newton C implementation
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Secant method
Brent method
Regula Falsi method
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VB6 code: Find roots
VB6 code: Microsoft Script Control
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Sample equations
Equation to solve: asin(x^2-1) = 0
Equation to solve: sin(x) = 0
Equation to solve: sin(x)-cos(x) = 0
Equation to solve: 2^(2*x-1)-x^2 = 0
Equation to solve: ln(x+2)/ln(2)-2^x+2 = 0
Equation to solve: -2*x/(1+x^2)^2+(2*(1+x^4)-2*x*4*x^3)/(1+x^4)^2 = 0
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