AdSense tips (part 3)

adsense tips (part 1)
adsense tips (part 2)
adsense tips (part 3)
adsense ontology
In part one of the AdSense tips you found out how to improve your keywords and how to build theme-based content.
Then we showed you the importance of positioning the ads and how to increase your revenue by adding multiple AdSense units.

AdSense Tip #11: Show images above or next to your ads

Placing images above AdSense ads is not necessarily prohibited by program policies. However, depending on the method of implementation this could be considered encouraging users to click on ads. So you should include a border line between the ads and the images. Don't show specific products in your images, in order not to mislead the visitors. Just use generic images that will increase the visibility of your ads.

AdSense Tip #12: Use section targeting

Use section targeting to emphasize some content in your page. On your site, place this code where you want to emphasize.

<!-- google_ad_section_start -->
Content you want to emphasize.
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

If you want some content to be ignored, use 

<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->

AdSense Tip #13: Alternate the colors of your ads

AdSense allows you to have up to 4 color variations for each variable for which you can specify color. You should do that if you put AdSense ads on pages that receive many impressions from the same visitors (for example forums) to reduce ad blindness. For example:

google_color_border = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"]; 
google_color_link = ["000000","BBB90C","BBB90C","628098"]; 
google_color_url = ["000000","628098","000000","000000"];
google_color_text = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"]; 

AdSense Tip #14: Your Google ads should be visible

Make sure your text ads are visible to the surfers in all screen formats. If you put the ads in a table, give sufficient breathing room, i.e. proper cell padding and cell spacing to make the ads stand out from the rest of your content.

AdSense Tip #15: Use AdSense channels

You can categorize the content of your website into channels and then track your performance. This way you can experiment with different types of ads and see which is performing the best. Instead of buying an AdSense tracker, you can enter the most important pages in your site and see how they are doing. Create up to 200 channels for AdSense.
AdSense channel

Let's recap our AdSense tips

Official Google AdSense tips

Google AdSense is a trademark of Google Inc. This site is not affiliated with Google.